Extreme heat conditions & water

water use can play a crucial role in adapting to climate change and extreme heat conditions, particularly in regions like the Persian Gulf. Here are some ways water can be utilized to help mitigate the effects of extreme heat:


Evaporative Cooling

Water can be used to create evaporative cooling zones, such as misters or fountains, which help lower air temperature and provide temporary relief from the heat. 

Smart Landscaping

Habitats with a minimum footprint on the planet and a maximum positive impact on the local community.

Adaptive Architecture  

 Architectural techniques that utilize water, such as evaporative cooling systems or green walls and roofs, can help maintain more comfortable indoor temperatures in buildings and reduce reliance on air conditioning.

Water Conservation 

Effective water management, including greywater and rainwater harvesting and reuse, can help maintain sufficient water resources to meet cooling and irrigation needs while minimizing pressure on local water sources 

Desalination and Water Supply Augmentation

Expanding desalination infrastructure and investing in technologies for seawater and brackish water desalination to increase freshwater supply in water-stressed regions, thereby supporting cooling needs and ensuring adequate water availability during extreme heat events. 

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Green Infrastructure and Urban Water Management:

Implementing green infrastructure solutions such as rain gardens, permeable pavement, and bioswales to capture and manage stormwater runoff, reducing the urban heat island effect and enhancing water infiltration to replenish groundwater reserves, ultimately contributing to cooling and water resource sustainability in urban areas.