Solar Maker 

Solar Makers introduces the Nanogrid, an innovative, efficient, and sustainable energy solution for a variety of projects, further supported by their custom solar products and educational initiatives for a greener future. 

Solar Maker is based on Saint Denis de la Réunion in the Indian Ocean 

Website : https://solar-makers.odoo.com/

Linkedin : ...

To know more

Solutions propositions

NanoGrid and sea water desalinisation

. Solar Makers' NanoGrid leverages solar energy to power innovative sea water desalination systems, offering a sustainable solution for clean water supply.

NanoGrid for clear water solutions

Through an technical alliance with SOMEFLU (1), Solar Maker will propose NanoGrid solar powered solutions to SOMEFLU Clear water pump ("Pumps with less than 7.5 KW of power represent 68% of sales in volume (not in value)."

R&D microgrid for larger water pumps

Through an technical alliance with SOMEFLU (1), Solar Maker will propose NanoGrid solar powered solutions to SOMEFLU Clear water pump ("Pumps with less than 7.5 KW of power represent 68% of sales in volume (not in value)."

Training proposition 

 eLearning for solar water solutions

Improve the learning process with our eLearning platform on solar water solutions, featuring an AI agent that provides interactive, personalized guidance to master sustainable water technologies.

Solar Pump Vocational training

Water School and Solar Makers are uniting to educate and empower communities, combining water conservation techniques with sustainable solar energy solutions for a holistic approach to environmental stewardship.