Data model for the PDD
I. General Information
- Project Title:
- Project Type (wood, solar, agriculture, etc.)
- Project Developer:
- Type of Organization (corporate, NGO, government)
- Developer Status (lead, partner)
- Department (energy, environment, etc.)
- Project Location:
- Continent
- Country
- Site Type (urban, rural, industrial)
- Altitude (high, medium, low)
II. Baseline and Monitoring Methodologies
- Baseline Methodology:
- Emission Type to Monitor (CO2, CH4, NO2, etc.)
- Methodology Standards (UNFCCC CDM, ISO 14064)
- Monitoring Methodology:
- Type of Monitoring Device (direct measurement, modeling, estimation)
- Monitoring Frequency (daily, weekly, monthly)
- Monitoring Period:
- Period (in days, months, years)
- Baseline Emissions Calculation Methods:
- Calculation Methodologies (emission factor, modeling, etc.)
- Calculation Standards (UNFCCC, ISO)
- Emissions Monitoring Plan:
- Reporting Frequency (daily, weekly, monthly)
- Reporting Type (manual, automated)
III. Emission Reductions Estimates
- Annual Estimate:
- Expected Reductions (in tons of CO2 equivalent)
- Error Rate (margin of uncertainty)
- Total Estimate:
- Total Reduction (over the project period)
- Project Duration (in years)
- Emission Factors and Assumptions Used:
- Emission Factors (fossil fuels, electricity, etc.)
- Assumptions (population growth, technology adoption)
IV. Stakeholder Consultations
- Initial Consultation:
- Consultation Type (public, private)
- Format (workshop, survey, meeting)
- Summary of Stakeholder Feedback:
- Feedback Categories (support, concerns, suggestions)
- Importance of Feedback (critical, moderate, minor)
- Actions Taken Based on Feedback:
- Action Categories (direct response, project modification, not required)
- Action Urgency (immediate, deferred)
V. Environmental Impact Assessment
- Impact on Local Environment:
- Impact Categories (water, soil, air, noise)
- Level of Impact (low, moderate, high)
- Impact on Biodiversity:
- Types of Affected Species (vegetation, wildlife)
- Conservation Status (vulnerable, endangered)
- Mitigation Measures:
- Types of Measures (reduction, offset, restoration)
- Methodologies (ISO, local conventions)
- Environmental Management Plan:
- Evaluation Frequency (annual, biannual)
- Management Type (manual, automated)
VI. Additional Information
- Project Financial Context:
- Funding Source (government, private, multilateral)
- Funding Type (loan, grant, equity)
- Project Team:
- Role (project manager, analyst, technician)
- Department (energy, environment, finance)
- Implementation Timeline:
- Phases (preparation, execution, closure)
- Duration (in days, months, years)
JSON of the data model
Here's a JSON representation of the Project Design Document (PDD) structure with the suggested variables:
This structure provides a starting point for a comprehensive Project Design Document template, covering each section with fields and dropdowns for user-friendly data entry.