Assane Gueye 

 Assane Gueye joined Carnegie Mellon University Africa on August 1, 2020.

PhD Berkeley + EPFL 

En savoir plus

Presently : associate teaching professor at Carnegie Mellon Africa ( Rwanda )

  • Associate Teaching ProfessorCMU-Africa
  • Co-director, CyLab-Africa
  • Co-director, the Upanzi Network
  • Assane Gueye joined Carnegie Mellon University Africa on August 1, 2020.


  • faculty member at the ICT Department at the University Alioune Diop of Bambey, Senegal,
  • Heads the research group “Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication pour le Développement” (TIC4Dev)
  • Guest researcher position with the National Institute for Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA.
  • CPI Project Mission (Innovative Product Creation) KPMG : 2013
  • Junior Strategic Analyst Bouygues Telecom 


PhD Engineer 
  • Ph.D. in electrical engineering and computer sciences from UC Berkeley  2011.​
  • master’s degree in 2004 in communication systems engineering from Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland.


  • Assane is a Fellow of the Next Einstein Forum (Class of 2016)
  • nominated as a member of the European Alliance for Innovation (EAI) inaugural Fellow Class.

Focus research presently

  •  Performance evaluation and security of large-scale communication systems
  • information and communication technologies for development (ICT4D)

Possible collaboration on Water School 

* Paper  Understanding the security of mobile apps in Africa https://www.africa.engineering.cmu.edu/news/2023/11/21-approov.html

WATTI greencard project